Why are our prices higher than Amazon?

The quality of the items we offer in our Amazon store is no different from this website, but on Amazon our prices are much higher. This is because:

1~Amazon charges 18% sales commission. Since 18% of your payment goes into Amazon's pockets, we have to raise our prices. There are also other fees, such as advertising and promotion, which usually add another 5% to sales.

2~Amazon's policies are too much in favor of buyers. The buyer could buy our item, use it for an event, and then return it saying "no longer needed". He could ask for a refund and claim he didn't receive the order when in fact it was delivered. Yet Amazon allows this malicious behavior.

3~Poor communication with buyers. Amazon doesn't want buyers and sellers to communicate with each other. Many buyers choose not to receive messages from sellers. In case of a problem, they simply send the item back. For example, some buyers didn't read the description of the flags and don't know how to assemble the flags with 2-segment sticks. They make a return request and Amazon automatically approves it. If they had contacted us, they'd know how easy it's.

4~Bad Postal Service. USPS is notorious for losing packages. They don't call and leave packages carelessly at the buyer's house. Legend has it that they also leave packages on your roof. They often deliver them to the wrong address. Since most of our Amazon orders are shipped with USPS, we have to factor in the loss.

However, if you live in the US and want to receive the order very quickly, you can purchase from our Amazon store https://www.amazon.com/winged_sirenny. We have a warehouse in Dayton, NJ, to fulfill Amazon orders. In most cases, the order will arrive within 3to 7 days.